
to Gästehaus Klaus Erfort

On the outside, classicism meets modernity forming an enticing symbiosis. And on the inside, soothing elegance awaits you. The perfect setting to enjoy a unique moment in time, which will paint a smile on your face whenever you contemplate on this memory in the future.

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“The truth lies on the plate.”

First class products. Respect. Creativity. Passion. And expert craftsmanship. Ingredients for pure delight. Perfectly brought to life by Klaus Erfort and his kitchen brigade.


Menu Dégustation


€ 244,-

5 Gänge

€ 200,-

4 Gänge

€ 175,-

Gerne servieren wir Ihnen zu Ihrem Menü begleitende Weine.
€ 79,- | € 93,- | € 125,-

Les Délices


Gänsestopfleber | Dillöl


Zucchiniblüte | Tomate

Bretonischer Hummer

Beurre Blanc | Koriander


Topinambur | Trüffel


Spitzkohl | Purple Curry Jus


Basilikum | Joghurt


Valrhona Jivara | Tonkabohne

Nos Petites Sucreries

Les grands Classiques

Aus Liebe zur Nachhaltigkeit bieten wir diese Speisen nur auf Anfrage und Vorbestellung an.

Entrées Froides

Gemüseacker mit Bretonischem Hummer,

Olivenkrokant und pochiertem Wachtelei

Eur 48,-

Gebeiztes Rinderfilet mit Imperial Kaviar

Tamari Sojasauce und Wasabi Crème Fraîche

Eur 75,-

Poissons & Crustacés

Auf Meersalz gegarte Langoustines »Royales«

mit gegrilltem jungem Lauch

Eur 69,-

Eintopf vom Bretonischen Hummer,

breite Bohnen, Artischocken und junger Lauch

Eur 135,- (für zwei Personen)

Viandes & Volailles

Bresse Poularde mit Trüffel

mit Kartoffelschaum und jungem Lauch

Eur 140,- (für zwei Personen)

Ramen vom Wagyu Rind

mit Grillaromen, geschmorter Schalotte und schwarzem Knoblauch

Eur 70,-

Le Fromage

Käseauswahl von Maître Antony

Eur 23,-

Les Desserts


Basilikum | Joghurt

Eur 24,-


Valrhona Jivara | Tonkabohne

Eur 26,-


Our Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday:
from 12 AM and as of 7 PM

by arrangement for private party


The seating in our restaurant is limited and tables are very sought after. We recommend you put in an early reservation for your desired date. You can place your request here.

You would like to make a reservation by phone? We will gladly accept your request at +49 681 95 82 68-2.

Or send us an e-mail to kontakt@gaestehaus-erfort.de
(Please send your reservations via e-mail two weeks in advance).

Unable to come? Please let us know if you need to cancel your reservation.
Thanks a lot!


Receive recipes, wine tips and stay in touch with Klaus Erfort and his Gästehaus directly via e-mail. All you have to do is subscribe to our Gourmail.

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Award-winning cuisine, nothing less. Independent, without a hotel, without an investor, without an external patron. It works. Our restaurant is living proof. Since 2003 we have been cooking at the highest level. From 2008 on we have also earned three stars. The right concept makes it possible. You too can benefit from this expertise. We will gladly advise you, helf you develop successful individual catering concepts, plan kitchens and much more. All you have to do is ask. Just call +49 681 95 82 68-2.


Haute cuisine can be relaxed. And a lot of fun too. Do you agree? Then we should meet. Open vacancies in our service- and our kitchen team can be found here. Or just send us your unsolicited application. We look forward to hear from you.

Job openings

Chef de Partie (m/w)
Commis de Cuisine (m/w)
Commis de Rang (m/w)
Chef de Rang (m/w)

Apply now!


Images, artwork, logos and further information can be downloaded here. For individual inquiries, please contact Gourmet Connection GmbH directly. You can get in touch with our PR agency via e-mail at info (at) gourmet-connection.de or via phone: + 49-69-25781280.
